Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Why Are Men So Stupid in Sitcoms?

Have you noticed that many of the roles men are playing in sitcoms make them look stupid by always kowtowing to a competent female lead? It’s like they’ve traded places with the women from the 50’s. Instead of grown women being portrayed like silly little girls batting their eyelashes at their big strong husbands, now the pendulum has swung to grown men acting like silly little boys who can’t think straight or stay out of trouble.

Wasn’t it easier when everyone knew their role and their place? Men knew they were supposed to be the strong ones who pursued women. Women knew to be attractive, quietly rule their domestic kingdom and never appear aggressive or overtly sexual. Men were to be all-knowing, unbreakable, the real thinkers and the doers with a strong arm around the “little woman” they were charged with taking care of, but not to show emotion or deep connection.

Today the boundaries of gender roles have relaxed and expanded. While women feel free to pursue and men are free to receive their attention, there is still a huge gray area of unidentified gender roles. Women compete in the workplace and are finding their inner strength and drive. Men are staying home to be dads, learning to value their softer side and sharing more of the financial burden. Still, we’re all a little confused about how we’re supposed to act in all these situations. Not like “them” but not sure who “us” is.

Dating is another area where gender role exploration is playing out. The rule book has been burned and it’s a new world out there. A man or a woman has equal say in initiating a date and paying for a date. People are free to make up the role and rules about what they want as they go along. Many people want the traditional approach yet many others want equal partnerships.

This shift in gender roles, or the lack thereof, creates an opportunity for all of us to become “choosers.” Instead of waiting to be chosen, sitting on the sidelines or passively letting others decide if we’re worthy, we have the freedom to bust the mold and take charge of our experiences.

First, if we want to be a “chooser” we must learn to adopt a mindset of abundance and empowered living. Choosers know what they want, what will not work for them in a relationship and believe there are plenty of viable partners available.

This mindset allows us to be confident and weed out dating candidates quickly. Because chooser are used to sorting through the crowd, they realize that rejection is not an indicator of self-worth. They understand that the other person is also a chooser and feels they are not a good match. Choosers accept rejection without taking it personally or allowing it to impact their self-esteem.

Choosers take risks and are initiators on their own behalf. They don’t wait to be found or for “destiny” to make things happen. They are creative, assertive and goal-oriented people who can roll with it. And choosers aren’t necessarily born choosers. Many, many people have started out playing a more passive role and then decided it wasn’t worth the pain. They decided to learn how to develop their self-esteem and to keep searching until they found a good match for them.

The Mindful Dater Program is here to help you become a chooser and get the love you’ve always dreamed of having.

LaDonna S. Kumar
Licensed Relationship Counselor

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

4 Reasons Why Your Not Finding "The One"

When your sweetie says she loves you, do believe her? When he says he’ll never leave, do you secretly wonder? Now that you’ve been together for a bit and have begun to settle in, does it seem like your lover is losing interest?

Are you hanging on every word, analyzing every facial expression? Wondering where they’re really going? Are you falling into a routine relationship or are the two of you just becoming comfortable? Do they really want you or are they just avoiding having to start over? How do you know if this is true or if it’s you?

Okay. It’s time for a reality check. The hard truth is that no one can prove they love you. No matter how often they say it, no matter how glamorous the ring, how fancy the dinners or fabulous the vacations, no one can PROVE it to you. You could be doing the wild thing six times a day and still not know if they really love you – unless you love yourself.

If you love yourself, you will believe that other people can love you. It’s that simple. And you will be able to recognize when someone else doesn’t love and appreciate you. You won’t have to demand respect or consideration because you will be radiating it in your being.

Signs You’re Not In Love With You

Always pushing for security and reassurance
If you are always pushing for the next step like
moving in, marriage or buying a home, you’re probably looking for reassurance that you’re loved. Trying too hard to please your beloved and taking on all the responsibility for the happiness in the relationship are signs you don’t love yourself. Relationships should progress naturally to the next level without either party making demands. Happiness between couples should be “evenly yoked,” not reliant upon everything you – or your partner – do.

I Can’t Find Anyone Good
Are you always searching and never finding anyone who is “right”? High standards are good but lofty romantic ideals can sabotage your chances of actually finding a suitable mate. And, if you do become involved, you will likely become unhappy and quickly find something wrong with your current love or spouse.

I’m Too Busy for Love
Filling every second of your days and nights with work, vacation or hobbies is a sure way to avoid feelings that come from a lack of self-love. See how great I am? I’m busy with this project and my charity work and the gym and this weekend we’re going here and next weekend we’re going there. Learning to be alone and enjoy your own company is a great foundation for finding your right mate.

Always into the next “thing” that will “heal” you
Self-improvement is a noble and worthy endeavor. If you are never satisfied, however, it might be time to slow down and reflect on your life. Do you ever have “enough”? Do you buy a new car as soon as you pay off the old one? Are you constantly shopping for clothes and the latest gadgets? Are you always on a new fad diet? Are you constantly in some new phase that is going to make your life everything it is supposed to be? Ultimately, there should be days of feeling completely satisfied with whom you are and where your life is, with or without a mate. If you don’t have that now, you are unlikely to be happy with anyone else for long.

In conclusion, it’s important to realize that self-love is the foundation of your ideal relationship. When you love yourself, you can give love to others without keeping track of what they’re doing for you. And you will naturally recognize when someone truly does not appreciate you and isn’t right for you.

Allow me to be of assistance in helping you find the love for YOURSELF! For more information about my fun and dynamic singles program visit

LaDonna S. Kumar
Licensed relationship Counselor

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Are You Caught In A Mini-Marriage?

The mini-marriage results from acting committed and being exclusive before you are ready for a committed relationship, or doing so with someone whom you don’t consider a likely long-term partner choice. This is the one night stand that never left!

A mini-marriage puts you on a collision course towards unhappiness. Instead of leading to the long-term joy you are hoping for, mini-marriages actually interfere with your ability to build the life you really want. They are a distraction that impedes your personal growth until you are ready for the relationship you really want and attract the partner you really want.

If you don’t learn how to make different choices, you can invest months – or, sadly, years “working on” a relationship that cannot be fulfilling or even permanent. Because let’s face it; once you’re in a mini-marriage, it can be difficult and quite painful to get out.

When the not-so-committed party or parties ultimately find the courage to come clean, it causes heartache, angst and often anger for all the time wasted. Often affairs are a reason to leave a mini-marriage. Worse are those who stayed with Mr. or Ms. “Right Now” as a placeholder, knowing full well their dating partner is not “the one” while they secretly hoped their “soul mate” would appear.

Entering a mini-marriage is the equivalent of accepting a new job offer despite the red flags that came up during the interview; crossing your fingers and hoping it will magically work out. After all, you need a job and this is the one that showed up today. Let me ask you, have you ever known this approach to result in a happy situation?

We all know someone who’s gotten involved too soon or continually struggled in a relationship, right? Perhaps we’ve found ourselves in this situation and wondered how it happened.
So how do we get stuck in a “go-nowhere” relationship in the first place? What makes otherwise intelligent, responsible adults sleepwalk into these situations?

Mini-marriages are typically driven by unconsciousness needs and fears:
  • Need for companionship
  • Fear of being alone
  • Belief it is impossible to have what you really want
  • Lack of awareness about your readiness for commitment
  • Don’t know how to get your social and relationship needs met effectively
To successfully avoid the “mini-marriage” style of dating and mating you must decide whether or not are you truly ready for a committed relationship. While it is reasonable to desire the benefits of a committed relationship (security, companionship, sex), it is important to be ready for a commitment in all areas of your life, and to be in a position of “choice” rather than “need” in order to have a successful life partnership.

If you are not ready for a committed relationship due to timing (e.g. recovering from divorce), health (physical/mental/emotional), finances, lifestyle, or other considerations, it is best to date a variety of people on a non-exclusive basis and have fun, learning more about yourself and relationships in the process. Become a “successful single” is the best way to prepare for the life and relationship you really want.

The Mindful Dater 10-week program is designed specifically to help you identify your own unique relationship criteria, empowering you to make the choices that lead to long-term relationship success and happy unions.

LaDonna S. Kumar
Licensed Relationship Counselor

For more information about my program visit