Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Love and the Law of Attraction

Most single people can’t wait to stop being single! Newly out of a relationship or a long-time single and longing for “the one.” The prominent issue is that too many single people have not cleaned up their past. This means they are prone to creating exactly the kind of relationship they have already experienced.

Based upon the principles of the Law of Attraction, you will attract what you already are. This means the key to having what you want in a mate is to become the person you want to attract. Many single people don’t realize this and it is something the questionnaires and wish lists can’t help you with because they are about the other person, not you. Singles can be so eager to find their next love that they miss the opportunity to truly choose something new for their life.

Here is something to consider: Are you emotionally available? Have you made a conscious, dedicated effort to sorting through your past relationships to determine what worked and where things went wrong? Have you taken a strong stand in your own accountability for what you experienced or are you still playing the victim? If not, you are likely to pull into your life what you had before and wonder why you can’t find this amazing person of your dreams.

If you want to be in a relationship with a successful professional, you need to become that confident, positive, successful person yourself. Be aware… there is no faking it by putting together a good package, an ideal version of yourself for others to see. If you are outwardly successful and inwardly insecure, you are going to attract what is on the inside; someone who is insecure inside and pretending to be confident. So, when the two of you get together, you can expect a bumpy ride and a lot of drama!

Your best bet? For the moment, stay single on purpose. Consciously decide to work on yourself and clear up the wreckage of your past. Make up your mind to not give up on the ideal person for you and get busy living a fulfilled life as a single person instead of waiting until you find your soul mate before living your life. Chances are that when you are happy, fulfilled and have an interesting life of your own that you love, you are going to attract your ideal mate when you least expect it
This is your moment, filled with such potential. Begin to build your ideal life now for yourself, with no pressure to fit into anyone else’s lifestyle or demands, and set yourself up to attract the soul mate of your dreams! Use the “magic” of the Law of Attraction to consciously draw towards you the right person at the right time. And in the meantime, instead of rushing to find the last love of your life, enjoy your life as it is now, no resistance. Live in the now, cherish your friends, family, co-workers and especially yourself. Very soon, you will be surprised when true love knocks on your door.

LaDonna S. Kumar
Licensed Relationship Counselor